ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cross of Sacrifice

Imagine you went to a big birthday party with lots of your friends. After lots of fun and games, it's time to go home. But before you leave, your friend's mommy gives you a piece of cake to take home. She says it's a special treat to remind you how much fun you had at the party.

Now imagine that instead of a party, we're talking about a big battle, where lots of people fought and sometimes got hurt or even died. After the fighting was over, and some people went home, there was still something left to remember what happened there.

That's where the Cross of Sacrifice comes in. It's a very big cross made of stone or cement that helps us remember the people who fought and died in wars. It's usually put in a special part of a cemetery, where many soldiers are buried. The Cross of Sacrifice has a sword on one side, which reminds us that war can be a scary and dangerous thing. On the other side, there's a bronze wreath, which represents peace and victory.

The Cross of Sacrifice is there to remind us of the people who gave their lives for their country, and to help us never forget the sacrifices they made. It's a way of saying thank you to all the brave soldiers who fought and died to protect our freedom, and to keep our country safe.