ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cross-country skiing

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about cross-country skiing. It's a type of sport that involves wearing long, thin skis and sliding over snow. Just like walking or running, you use your legs to move forward. But in cross-country skiing, you use poles to help you glide and keep your balance.

Before starting, you need special gear such as skis, boots, pole, and clothing suitable for snowy weather. Skis are longer and thinner compared to the skis you use when skiing downhill. Your boots attach to your skis and your poles are used to push yourself forward and maintain your balance. You also need to dress warmly and comfortably, so you don't get cold.

While skiing, you move your arms and legs in a rhythmic backward and forwards motion, sort of like walking or running, except that the skis make you slide over the snow. You can ski in different styles, including classic or skate skiing. Classic skiing is similar to walking, while skate skiing is similar to ice skating.

Cross-country skiing can be done for fun, exercise or even as a competitive sport. It's a great way to enjoy the great outdoors, get some exercise, and have fun with friends and family. So, if you ever see the snow and thinking about going on an adventure, cross-country skiing might be worth trying.