ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cross-cultural capital

Cross-cultural capital means having knowledge and understanding of different cultures and being able to use it to work with people from different backgrounds.

Let's say you have a friend who is from a different country. They might have different ways of talking, eating, or celebrating holidays. If you know about their culture, you can understand why they do things differently and show respect for their traditions. This helps them feel valued and appreciated.

Cross-cultural capital is like having a toolbox filled with tools that help you communicate and work effectively with people from different backgrounds. For example, if you know how to speak their language, you'll be able to communicate better. If you're aware of cultural customs and norms, you can avoid misunderstandings and build relationships.

Having cross-cultural capital is important because it helps you collaborate with people from different cultures and build strong connections. In today's world, where people from all over the world are living and working together, it's more important than ever to have cross-cultural capital.