ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crossings of the River Thames

The River Thames is a big and long river in London. It's so big that people need to cross it to get from one side to another side. To do this, people have built different kinds of bridges and tunnels that go under the river.

For example, the most famous bridge is the Tower Bridge. It has big towers on both sides and a big bridge in the middle that can lift up when big boats need to pass through.

There's also the London Bridge, which is a very busy bridge that lots of people walk across every day. It's very old and has lots of history behind it.

And then there's the Waterloo Bridge, which is a very pretty bridge that looks like a big arch. It's great for taking pictures and seeing the beautiful views of the city.

But not everyone wants to cross the river on a bridge. Some people might prefer to take a boat, which is called a ferry. There are many ferries that go up and down the river, taking people from one side to another.

And finally, there are tunnels that go under the river, which are used by trains and cars. They're kind of like big tubes that go through the ground and under the water. When you're driving through a tunnel, it's dark and you can't see the water, but you know it's there.

So in summary, the River Thames is a big river in London, and people use different ways to cross it like bridges, ferries, and tunnels. It's important to have these crossings so that people can get where they need to go!