ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)

Crucifixion is a very painful way of punishing people. It involves tying or nailing a person to a cross and leaving them there until they die. Ouch!

Now, imagine if an artist wanted to paint a picture of someone on a cross, but they wanted to make it look really different and special. That's where the corpus hypercubus comes in.

The artist, named Salvador Dali, painted a picture of Jesus on the cross, but instead of being on a regular cross, Jesus is on a really funky-shaped one. This shape is called a hypercube or tesseract, and it's really hard to explain, even to adults!

Basically, it's a shape that's made up of cubes and you can see it from different angles at the same time. So even though Jesus is on a cross, he's also floating in space and you can see different parts of him from different angles.

It's a really weird and cool painting, but it's important to remember that crucifixion is not something we should ever want to happen to anyone. It's a really painful and cruel way to hurt someone, and we should always treat others with kindness and respect.