ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cryptochirality is simply the idea that something can have a hidden, or secret, version of its shape that is not immediately obvious. It's like a puzzle that you have to look very closely at to see the pattern.

Let's use our hands as an example. If you hold up your left hand and compare it to your right hand, you'll see that they are mirror images of each other, but they still look pretty similar overall. However, there are some shapes that are more subtly different, like the way your thumb and fingers curve. If you could take a picture of just the outline of your hand, it might be hard to tell whether it's a left hand or a right hand.

Now imagine you were a tiny ant crawling along the outline of someone's hand, trying to figure out if it was a left or a right hand. If the ant could only see the outside profile, it might not be able to tell! This is kind of like cryptochirality. Normal chirality is when a shape has a clear left-right orientation, like your hands. But in cryptochiral shapes, that orientation isn't immediately obvious, and you might need to look more closely to see it.