ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cryptophane is like a tiny lockbox that can hold secret messages. It's made up of a bunch of atoms that are all linked together in a special way. Think of it like a bunch of building blocks that fit together perfectly.

Imagine you have a message you want to keep secret, like a note to your friend. You might write it down on a piece of paper and lock it in your cryptophane box. The only way to read the message is to have the special key that unlocks the box.

When you look at cryptophane under a microscope, it looks like a little ball made up of all these tiny little parts. And those parts fit together in a really special way. It's like a puzzle that only the right key can unlock.

Scientists have found that cryptophane can be really useful for storing information securely. They can use it to encrypt messages or even store information in computer memory. It's a bit like a secret code that only very smart people can figure out.

But don't worry, even if you're only five years old, you can still understand the basic idea behind cryptophane! It's like a magic box that keeps secrets safe.