ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cubical set

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a cubical set is in a way that's easy to understand.

Imagine you have a bunch of differently shaped cubes, like the ones you play with. A cubical set is like a collection of these cubes, but each cube has a label on each side. This means that each cube has information on all six sides, and these labels can be anything - words, numbers, pictures, or even instructions.

When you stack these cubes together, it creates a bigger structure that's made up of smaller pieces. This is called a "cubical complex". The cool thing about cubical sets is that they can be used to describe all sorts of things, like shapes, patterns, or even mathematical concepts.

So, if you want to understand something better, you can use a cubical set to break it down into smaller pieces and see how they fit together. It's like playing with a big puzzle, but instead of just matching shapes, you're also looking at the information on each side of the cube.

In summary, a cubical set is a bunch of cubes with labels on each side that can be used to build bigger structures and help us understand complicated things.
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