ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuddie Springs

Cuddy Springs are like big pools of water that are under the ground. They are made up of rocks and soil that have tiny spaces in between them. When it rains or snows, the water goes into the ground and gets trapped in these tiny spaces.

Over time, the water collects and forms a big pool under the ground. And because the rocks and soil around it are tight, the water can't just seep away easily. It's like a big sponge that keeps the water in one place.

Sometimes, people can dig down to these pools of water and make a well to get the water out. This water is usually very clean and fresh because it's been filtered through the rocks and soil.

Cuddy Springs can be really important for people and animals because they provide a source of clean water in areas where there might not be a lot of other water sources around.