ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuisine of Norway

Norway is a country in Europe where people have a special way of cooking and eating food. This is called the cuisine of Norway.

The people of Norway love to eat meat like beef, pork, and lamb. They also eat a lot of fish, like salmon and cod. They catch these fish from the cold waters around Norway. They also eat vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions. They like to cook their food in a special way, usually by boiling or baking.

One special dish that the people of Norway eat is called "lutefisk". This is a type of fish that is soaked in lye, which is a special kind of chemical that makes the fish taste really unique. It is usually served with potatoes and a white sauce.

Another popular dish is "fårikål", which means "sheep in cabbage". This is a stew made from lamb and cabbage, and it's usually eaten in the autumn when the weather is cooler.

Norwegians also love to eat something called "smørbukk", which is a type of butter that you spread on bread. It's made from cream that has been whipped for a long time, then chilled until it turns into butter.

In Norway, they also have a special way of cooking cakes and desserts. They use a lot of cream, butter, and sugar to make their desserts really tasty. One popular dessert is called "kransekake", which is a tower of almond cake rings that are stacked on top of each other.

So, in summary, the cuisine of Norway is all about meat, fish, and vegetables cooked in a special way using boiling or baking. They also love to eat unique dishes like lutefisk, fårikål, and use delicious ingredients like smørbukk to make creamy cakes and desserts.