ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cultural Sociology (journal)

Cultural sociology is a fancy way of saying that some people like to study how people behave in groups and how that behavior affects the way we think and feel about different cultures and customs.

There are some people who like to write about what they learn in books called journals. These journals are like big diaries where they write down all of their thoughts and ideas about cultural sociology.

When people write in the cultural sociology journal, they are trying to explain why people act the way they do in different cultures. For example, why in some cultures it's okay to eat certain types of food, but in other cultures, it's not.

These journal writers look at things like language, art, religion, and traditions to try and understand different cultures better. They also look at things like how societies are set up and how people communicate to see how it all affects the way we interact with each other.

In the end, all of this research helps us understand our differences better and appreciate the beauty of each other's cultures.