ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture of Narcissism

Okay, sweetie. Let's talk about people who think they are the most important and special person in the world. Have you ever met someone like that? They might always talk about themselves, never listen to what others have to say, and think they deserve everything they want. That type of behavior is called narcissism.

Now, imagine if a lot of people around you started acting like that. They all thought about themselves first and didn't care about other people's feelings or needs. That's what we call a "culture of narcissism."

It happens when society values things like success, money, and fame above all else, and people start thinking that they deserve those things just because they are special. This can lead to a cycle of people trying to outdo each other, and no one caring about working together or helping each other out.

So, just like we try to be kind and care about others, it's important to remember that everyone is special and deserving of respect, not just one person. It's better for everyone when we work together and care about each other instead of just thinking about ourselves all the time.