ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Curd (India)

Curd in India is kind of like this delicious, thick, and creamy yogurt that you can eat as a snack or use in cooking. It's made by adding special bacteria called "culture" to warm milk and letting it sit for a few hours until it thickens up.

The culture bacteria are special little guys that are good for your tummy and help break down lactose (sugar in milk). They turn the milk into curd by multiplying and making it thicker and tangy.

Once the curd has thickened, you can eat it just like that or you can strain it to make it even thicker and remove extra whey (liquid) to make it creamy. This strained curd is called "hung curd" and is often used to make dips, sauces, or desserts.

Curd is a big part of Indian cuisine and is often served with spicy foods to cool down your mouth. It's also used as a marinade for meats and in curries. Basically, it's a yummy and healthy addition to any meal!