ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Customer benefit package

A customer benefit package is like a special box of goodies that a store gives to its customers to make them happy and keep them coming back. It's like when you go to a party and you get a goody bag at the end with toys and treats inside.

For example, if you go to a restaurant, the customer benefit package may include things like a nice table to sit at, friendly staff to serve you, yummy food to eat, and maybe even a special dessert or drink as a treat.

If you go to a hotel, the customer benefit package may include things like a comfortable bed to sleep in, clean towels and linens, room service to bring you food, and maybe even a pool or spa for you to relax in.

Basically, a customer benefit package is all the things that a store or business does to make sure you have a great experience as a customer. This way, you'll want to come back again and again and tell your friends about how awesome it was!