ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Customs Code of Russia

The Russian customs code is like a set of rules that everyone who brings things into or out of Russia has to follow. Imagine you are playing a game, and this code is the rulebook you have to follow so that everyone plays fair and everything goes smoothly.

When you travel to another country or receive a package from another country, you have to go through customs. It's a little like going through a special door where people check what you have brought with you. In Russia, the customs officers are like the people in charge of checking your things and making sure you are following the rules.

The customs code has a lot of rules about what you can bring in or take out of Russia. Let's say you are coming back from a trip abroad and you bought some cool toys or clothes. The customs code will tell you how many of those things you can bring without paying any extra money.

The code also explains how to declare things. Imagine you have a bag of your favorite candy, and you want to bring it into Russia. The code says you have to tell the customs officer about the candy so that they can make sure it is safe and allowed into the country. It's a little like asking your mom or dad if it's okay to eat that candy before you do.

Sometimes people want to bring or send special things that need special permission or have extra rules. Let's say someone wants to bring in a big machine. The customs code may say they need to get extra papers to make sure everything is legal and safe.

The customs code also helps protect the country. Sometimes people try to bring in things that are not allowed, like dangerous weapons or drugs. The customs officers use the code to make sure these things are not brought into Russia so that everyone stays safe.

So, the customs code of Russia is a set of rules that tells people how to bring things into or out of the country. It helps everyone play fair, keeps people safe, and makes sure everything is done the right way.