ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cyanobacteria are tiny living things that are too small for you to see with your eyes. They are like tiny plants that live in water, such as in lakes or oceans. They are also called blue-green algae because they can be blue, green, or even red in color.

These tiny living things are really important because they can do something incredible: they can take energy from the sun and turn it into food through a process called photosynthesis. Just like you need food to grow and stay healthy, cyanobacteria also need food to survive.

But sometimes, when there are too many cyanobacteria in the water, they can cause problems. They can form thick mats on the surface of the water, called blooms, which can be harmful to animals and people.

When cyanobacteria blooms happen, the water can become smelly, and the bacteria may release harmful toxins into the water. This can make animals and people who drink the water very sick. So it's important to keep track of how many cyanobacteria are in the water and make sure it stays at a safe level.

Overall, cyanobacteria are tiny but mighty living things that play an important role in the environment. We just need to make sure we keep them in check so they don't cause any harm.