ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cyber security standards

Cyber security standards are rules and guidelines that help keep computer systems and data safe from bad guys who want to do harm. Just like how parents tell you to look both ways before crossing the street to keep you safe, cyber security standards tell companies how to make sure their computer systems are safe from hackers and cyber attacks.

For example, a cyber security standard might say that companies should use strong passwords that are hard for bad guys to guess. It might also say that companies should update their computer programs and systems regularly to fix any vulnerabilities that could be used by bad guys to get in.

By following these rules and guidelines, companies can make sure that their computer systems and data are safe and secure. This is important because if bad guys get access to sensitive information, they can use it to hurt people and companies. But if companies follow cyber security standards, they can prevent this from happening and keep everyone safe.