ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cycle sort

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about cycle sort. Imagine you have some toys that you want to put in order based on their size. You have a lot of toys, so you want to do this as quickly as possible. This is where cycle sort comes in handy.

Here's how it works:

First, you take one toy and put it in its proper place - let's say it's the smallest toy. Then, you find the toy that should come next in line based on its size and move it to its proper place - for example, the next smallest toy. You keep doing this until all the toys are in their proper order.

Now, imagine that you have a lot of toys that are the same size. It would take a long time to move them all to their proper places one at a time, right? That's where cycle sort comes in handy - it helps you do this faster.

To use cycle sort, you first divide your toys into groups based on their size. You then pick one group and sort it using the same process as before. You keep doing this with each group until all your toys are sorted.

So, let's say you have 20 toys, and 10 of them are the same size. You divide them into two groups of 10 and sort each group separately. This makes the process go faster because you're not sorting all the toys at once - you're just sorting them in smaller groups that are easier to manage.

And that's cycle sort - it's a way to sort things quickly by breaking them down into smaller groups and sorting them one at a time.