ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cyclic form

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a very long rope with lots of knots tied in it. Each knot is called a "point" and we're going to call the rope the "sequence". Cyclic form is when you take the last knot on the rope and tie it to the first knot, so the rope is now a loop.

But what does this have to do with anything, you ask? Well, this loop lets us do something pretty cool when it comes to music. Imagine you have a song with a bunch of different parts to it, like a verse, a chorus, and a bridge. Normally, you would play those parts in order and then stop when you get to the end of the song.

But with cyclic form, we can loop back to the beginning of the song and start over again, playing all the parts in order again and again. This is called "cycling" through the song, and it's a really common way to structure music because it makes it easy for people to dance or sing along.

So when you hear a song with a catchy chorus that keeps repeating over and over again, that's because the song is in cyclic form - we're cycling through the same parts of the song over and over again. And just like how the last knot in our rope is connected to the first knot, the end of the song is connected to the beginning so we can keep cycling through it!