ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So imagine you're eating a piece of meat, like a burger or steak. Now imagine inside of that meat there's a little, tiny baby worm called a cysticercus. Yuck, right?

Well, cysticercus is actually a type of parasite that lives in the muscle tissue of animals. When humans eat undercooked meat that has cysticercus in it, the parasite can move from the meat into the person's intestines, which is where it wants to be because then it can grow bigger and stronger.

Once the cysticercus is in a person's intestines, it can cause a lot of trouble by causing inflammation or even blocking the intestine. This can make the person feel sick and in some cases, it can even be life-threatening.

So, the bottom line is, be careful what you eat and make sure any meat you eat is cooked all the way through to prevent these pesky cysticercus parasites from making their way into your body.