ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cython is a tool that helps computer programmers write code in a language called Python, but then turn that code into faster code that a computer can run more quickly. It's kind of like a magic wand that turns your slower code into faster code!

When people write code in Python, it can sometimes be slow because Python is an "interpreted" language. That means that the computer has to read the code every time it runs it, which can make it take longer to run.

Cython fixes this problem by turning Python code into "compiled" code. Compiled code is like a recipe that's been written down in a way that's easier for the computer to understand. So when you use Cython, your Python code gets turned into a compiled version that the computer can run much more quickly.

But don't worry, even though it's a more complicated process, you don't have to be an expert programmer (or even a grown-up!) to use Cython. All you have to do is write your code in Python as you normally would, and then run it through Cython to turn it into the faster compiled code.

So, in simple terms, Cython is a tool that makes it easier to write code in Python that the computer can run faster.
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