ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cytotaxonomy is like a puzzle that helps scientists understand how different plants or animals are related to each other. Imagine that you have a bunch of different animals and you want to figure out which ones are similar and which ones are different.

Cytotaxonomy helps scientists do this by looking at the cells of these animals to see how many chromosomes they have, which are like tiny pieces of information inside the cells that determine how the animal looks and behaves.

For example, let's pretend we are studying bears. We can use a microscope to look at the cells in their bodies and count how many chromosomes they have. We might find that a certain type of bear has 60 chromosomes, while another type of bear has only 42 chromosomes. This means that they are different from each other and that the bears with the most similar number of chromosomes are probably the most closely related.

With this information, scientists can piece together a family tree of sorts that shows how different species are related to each other. Just like how you might have an family tree chart that shows your parents and grandparents, scientists can make a chart that shows how bears with 60 chromosomes are related to bears with 42 chromosomes.

By understanding these relationships, scientists can learn more about how animals and plants have evolved over time and how they relate to each other.