ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

D. Mark Hegsted

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you who D. Mark Hegsted was.

D. Mark Hegsted was a scientist who studied the effects of food on our bodies. Just like how we need different kinds of toys to play with to keep our brains and bodies happy, we need different kinds of foods to keep our bodies healthy.

Hegsted was interested in understanding how different foods affect our heart health. Our heart is like a pump that helps our blood move around our bodies. Imagine it like a bicycle pump. If the pump doesn't work well, the bike won't go anywhere. Similarly, if our heart isn't healthy, our body won't work well.

Hegsted found out that when we eat too much fat and cholesterol, it can build up in our blood vessels and make it harder for our heart to do its job properly. This is like when we try to pump air into our bicycle tire with a needle that has something stuck inside it. The air can't flow easily and it takes more effort to get the job done.

Based on his research, Hegsted recommended that we should eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less fatty meats and fried foods. This can help our heart stay healthy and do its job properly.

So that's who D. Mark Hegsted was and why his research about food and heart health was important. Remember, just like we need different kinds of toys to keep our brain and body healthy, we need different kinds of foods to keep our heart and body healthy too!