ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

DAB radio

Okay kiddo, let's talk about dab radio! You know how when we listen to the radio in the car or at home, we sometimes have trouble hearing the person talking or the music sounds funny? Well, a dab radio helps fix that problem!

Here's how it works: instead of the old radios that use AM/FM signals, a dab radio uses digital signals. It's like getting a better signal that is clearer and stronger than before. Think of it like watching a video on YouTube in high definition versus watching it in low resolution – the picture looks way better, right?

Another cool thing about dab radio is that it can give you more radio stations to listen to. With regular radio, you might only have a few stations you like. But with dab radio, you can listen to stations from all over the country, even in places far away from where you are! It's like having a whole world of music and talk shows at your fingertips.

Overall, dab radio is like an upgraded version of regular radio. It makes the sound better, gives you more listening options, and it's just a cooler way to listen to the radio!