ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Darvo is an acronym for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It is a tactic sometimes used by people when they are caught doing something wrong. It means they will first deny that they did anything wrong, then they will attack the person who caught them doing it, and finally, they will try to turn themselves into the victim and make the other person seem like the offender.

Let's say you broke your mom's vase while playing with a ball in the house. Instead of telling her the truth, you might try to use darvo. First, you might deny that you broke the vase and say that it was already broken. Then, you might attack your sister and say that she was the one who did it. Finally, you might say that you're so upset that your sister is blaming you and that you're the real victim in this situation.

But remember, darvo is not a good thing to do. It's important to be honest and take responsibility for your own actions.