ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a way to check if an email message you receive is actually from the person or organization it says it's from, instead of pretending to be someone else (like a bad guy trying to trick you!).

Just like when your mom and dad sign a yellow note to your teacher to explain why you were absent from school, DKIM works by "signing" the email with a digital signature that proves it came from the right place.

The digital signature is created by the sender's email server, and it includes a code that only the email server and the recipient's email server can understand. When the recipient gets the email message, their email server uses this code to check if the digital signature matches the sender's email server. If it matches, then the email is okay and has not been tampered with!

This helps to stop bad guys from tricking you with fake emails, and it also helps to stop spam and other unwanted emails. So, DKIM is like a secret handshake between email servers to make sure that emails are coming from the right place and are not fake!