ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dahl's sign

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of Dahl's sign? It's something doctors use to check if you have high blood pressure. Here's how it works: when your doctor listens to your heart with a stethoscope, they may hear a special sound called a murmur.

Now, when you have high blood pressure, your blood is trying to push through your blood vessels too hard, and this can cause the blood vessels in your neck to get bigger. This bigger blood vessel can make the murmur sound louder or stronger than it normally would.

So, when your doctor checks for Dahl's sign, they will look at the blood vessel in your neck while they listen to your heart. If they see the blood vessel in your neck get bigger or pulsate harder at the same time that they hear the murmur, then that means you might have high blood pressure.

It's a simple little test, but it can tell your doctor a lot about your health!