ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Daily devotional

A daily devotional is like a special book or activity that helps you talk to God every day. It's like talking to a close friend, but instead of speaking out loud, you write down your thoughts in a little book or spend some time thinking and reflecting silently. This book usually has different prompts related to the Bible that you can read, learn from, and answer questions about. The goal is to help you feel closer to God and understand His teachings better.

So, imagine you have a diary that you write in every day, but instead of writing about your day, you write down your thoughts about God and your relationship with Him. You might read a short passage from the Bible, like a little story or lesson, and then think about how it applies to your life. You might ask yourself some questions, like "What did I learn from this passage?" or "How can I apply this to my life?"

Doing a daily devotional can help you feel more connected to God and understand His teachings better. It can also bring you peace and comfort, knowing that you're taking time each day to connect with your faith.