ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dalian Maritime University

Dalian Maritime University (DMU) is a school where people go to learn about boats and ships. It is a place where you can learn how to become a sailor or a captain of a big ship. The school is located in a city called Dalian in China.

When you start going to Dalian Maritime University, you will learn lots of different things. You will learn how ships work, how to navigate them, and how to make them go faster or slower. You will learn about different types of ships, like cargo ships, cruise ships, and tankers. You will also learn about the different parts of a ship, like the engine, the bridge, and the cabin where the sailors sleep.

The teachers at Dalian Maritime University are very experienced sailors and ship captains. They know a lot about boats and ships and they will teach you everything you need to know. They will also show you how to use different tools and equipment, like navigational charts and compasses.

In addition to learning about boats and ships, you will also learn about other important things at Dalian Maritime University. You will learn about safety at sea, which is very important because sometimes ships can be in dangerous situations. You will also learn about how to communicate with other sailors and how to work as a team. This is important because when you are on a ship, everyone needs to work together to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Overall, Dalian Maritime University is a great place to learn about boats and ships. You will learn everything you need to know to become a great sailor or ship captain. You will also learn about important things like safety and teamwork. So, if you love boats and ships, Dalian Maritime University is the perfect place for you!