ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dana (mythology)

Dana is not a very well-known character in Greek mythology, but I'll explain it to you as clearly as possible! In Greek mythology, Dana is a princess who has a really big problem. She lives in a land where there is no water, and water is very important for people to survive. So, Dana's father, who is the king, is really worried and sad because he can't find a way to get water for his people.

But lucky for Dana and her people, there is a god called Zeus who loves helping humans. He wants to help Dana and her people, so he decides to do something special. Zeus tells Dana's father that he will create a magical spring, a source of water, for them! Dana's father, of course, is very happy and grateful to Zeus.

Now, Dana is really special too, because she has a close connection to this magical water. You see, when Dana was a little baby, she was left all alone, and a motherly cow found her and started nursing her. This cow was special because she was a gift from Zeus, and her milk was actually the magical water from the spring! So, Dana grew up drinking this special milk, and it made her really strong and beautiful.

The story goes on to say that Dana eventually becomes a queen, and her descendants become very important in Greek mythology. One of her famous descendants is a hero named Perseus, who you might have heard of from other stories.

So you see, Dana is a princess who was connected to a magical spring that Zeus created, and she and her descendants played important roles in Greek mythology!