ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dance in Thailand

Dance in Thailand is a fun form of movement that people do with music. Just like how you might dance at a party or with your friends, people in Thailand have dances that they do for special celebrations and holidays.

One popular dance in Thailand is called the "ramwong" dance. It's a group dance where people hold hands and move in a circle to the beat of the music. People wear traditional outfits like colorful dresses and sometimes even hats that have flowers on them.

Another popular dance in Thailand is called the "khon" dance. This dance tells a story using movements and costumes. Dancers wear elaborate masks and outfits that look like they're from a royal palace. It's almost like a play, but instead of using words, dancers tell the story with their bodies.

Some people also like to do modern dances in Thailand, just like how you might see people doing hip hop or breakdancing. These dances usually have lots of energy and fast movements.

Overall, dance in Thailand is a way to have fun and celebrate with others. People wear beautiful outfits and move to the beat of the music, either in a traditional or modern style.