ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Daniele da Volterra

Daniele da Volterra was a man who lived a long time ago in Italy. He was born in the year 1509 and he died in the year 1566. The things that he did during his lifetime have made people remember him even today.

Daniele da Volterra was a painter, which means that he liked to make pictures that were very pretty. He learned how to paint when he was just a young boy, and he practiced a lot. When he grew up, he became so good at painting that people asked him to make pictures of important people and places.

One of the most famous pictures that Daniele da Volterra made was a painting of the Roman gods. But, there was a problem with this painting. You see, the gods in this painting were not wearing any clothes! This made some people very angry because they thought it was disrespectful to the gods.

So, Daniele da Volterra had to change his painting. He added some clothes to the gods to make them more modest. This was very hard work because he had to make sure that the clothes looked like they belonged on the gods, and that they didn't cover up too much of the painting.

Even though some people were angry with Daniele da Volterra for what he did, it was still very important work. It showed that he cared about what other people thought, and that he was willing to change to make them happy. Today, we remember Daniele da Volterra as a great painter who did what he could to make the world a better place.