ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma

The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma is a special place where people who are really good at telling stories learn how to help other people who have been hurt or had really bad things happen to them.

You know how when something really scary or bad happens to you, it can make you feel really upset or scared or sad? Well, imagine if something bad happened to lots of people all at once. That can be even more scary and upsetting!

When this happens, journalists (who are people that write or tell stories for newspapers, TV, or the internet) might go to where the bad thing happened to talk to people and write stories about it. But sometimes, the people they talk to have been through really hard things and don't feel like talking to anyone or don't know how to talk about what happened to them.

That's where the Dart Center comes in! They teach journalists how to talk to people who have been through bad things in a way that makes them feel safe and comfortable, and they teach the journalists how to write or tell stories about what happened in a way that is respectful and honest.

The Dart Center also helps people who have been through bad things by teaching them how to take care of themselves and find support. They have lots of resources and tools to help people heal from trauma.

So, basically, the Dart Center is a very special and important place that helps both journalists and people who have been through bad things. They teach people how to talk about hard things in a way that is safe and respectful, and they help people heal and feel better after going through something really scary or hard.