ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dasavidha-rājadhamma is a concept in Buddhism that talks about ten qualities or virtues that a good ruler should possess.

Imagine you are playing with your friends and you are the leader of the game. Just like how you should play fairly, listen to everyone's opinions, and be kind to your friends, a good ruler should do the same for their people.

The first quality is dāna, which means being generous and giving to those in need. This is like when you share your toys with your friends who don't have any to play with.

The second quality is sīla, which means being moral and having good behavior. This is like when you always tell the truth and never cheat during games.

The third quality is pariccāga, which means being unselfish and letting go of personal desires for the benefit of others. This is like when you let your friend have a turn with your favorite toy even though you really wanted to play with it.

The fourth quality is ajjava, which means being honest and having integrity. This is like when you always admit when you make mistakes and apologize for them.

The fifth quality is maddava, which means being gentle and respectful. This is like when you use kind words and manners with your friends and elders.

The sixth quality is tapa, which means having self-discipline and practicing restraint. This is like when you control your impulses to eat all the candy or interrupt your friend when they are talking.

The seventh quality is akkodha, which means being free of anger, hate, and enmity. This is like when you forgive your friend when they accidentally break your toy and don't stay mad at them.

The eighth quality is avihimsā, which means being nonviolent and not causing harm. This is like when you never hit, kick, or push your friends during games.

The ninth quality is khanti, which means having patience and tolerance. This is like when you don't get upset when your friend takes a little longer to understand the rules of the game.

The tenth quality is avihiṃsā, which means having good-will and friendly love towards all beings. This is like when you care for and show kindness to not only your friends but also animals and plants around you.

Overall, dasavidha-rājadhamma teaches us that a good ruler is someone who cares for their people, listens to them, and treats them with kindness and respect. Just like how being a good leader in games with your friends can create a happy and fair playtime, having a good ruler can create a happy and peaceful society for everyone.
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