ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Data & Marketing Association

Okay, so imagine you're playing a game of hide-and-seek with your friends. You need to find all your friends who are hiding before time runs out. But, how do you know where they're hiding? You need some clues, right? It's the same with companies, they need clues to find their potential customers. This is where the Data & Marketing Association comes in.

The Data & Marketing Association is a group of people who help companies find those clues to reach their desired customers. They do this by collecting data, which is information about people's habits, preferences, and behaviors. This data can be collected from different sources such as websites or social media platforms.

Now, collecting data is only the first step. The Data & Marketing Association helps companies make sense of this data and use it to create marketing strategies. Marketing is like telling your friends where to hide next time you play hide-and-seek. Companies use marketing to reach out to people and convince them to do something – to buy their product or service, for example.

So, the Data & Marketing Association helps companies reach their customers by providing them with the data they need and the marketing strategies they can use. Just like how you need clues to find your friends while playing hide-and-seek, companies need clues to find their customers. And that's what the Data & Marketing Association is all about!