ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Database integrity

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy box with all your toys inside. If you want to know that all your toys are there and nothing is missing, you would count them, right? Database integrity works in a similar way to make sure all the pieces of your database are still there and they all work the way they should.

A database is like a big storage box that has a bunch of information about something like a store's inventory or a school's student records. The database stores everything in an organized way so that it can be easily found and used.

Now sometimes things can go wrong, like maybe one of your toys falls out of the box and gets lost. The same kind of thing can happen to a database, like maybe someone accidentally deletes a piece of information or it gets corrupted for some reason.

That's where database integrity comes in to make sure everything is still there and working the way it's supposed to. It's like checking your toy box every few days to make sure all your toys are still there and none are broken.

Just like you can count your toys to make sure they're all there, a database uses special tools to make sure every piece of data is still there and that everything is working properly. If something is missing or something isn't quite right, then the database can fix it or alert someone to fix it.

So that's the basic idea of database integrity, it's a way to make sure that all the pieces of a database are still there and that everything is working the way it's supposed to.