Dattatreya is a Hindu deity who is famous for his wisdom and knowledge. He is often depicted as a three-headed God, with each head representing a different aspect of divinity. One of his heads represents Lord Brahma (the creator), another represents Lord Vishnu (the preserver), and the third represents Lord Shiva (the destroyer).
He is sometimes shown holding objects such as a cow, a drum, a conch shell, a staff, or sometimes he is depicted with nothing in his hands. These objects represent different aspects of his personality, such as his compassion and power.
In Hindu mythology, Dattatreya is regarded as a Guru (teacher) and is worshipped by seekers of spiritual knowledge. He teaches people to live a simple and peaceful life, and to gain knowledge by observing and learning from the world around them. He is also known for his teachings on yoga, meditation, and the importance of detachment.
In summary, Dattatreya is a wise and knowledgeable Hindu god who teaches people about living a simple and peaceful life, and gaining knowledge through observation and learning. He is worshipped as a Guru by those seeking spiritual enlightenment.