ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Daunte Wright protests

Daunte Wright was a young man who was killed by a police officer during a traffic stop in a place called Brooklyn Center in Minnesota. This made a lot of people feel very sad and angry, because it was not the first time someone was killed by a police officer in America, and many people believe that this should not happen.

After Daunte Wright was killed, many people went to the streets to protest. When people go to protest, they stand together and they say things like "we are sad" and "we want things to change." They also carry signs or shout things to let other people know what they believe in. Some people might also get very loud or upset, because they feel like what happened was not right and they want everyone to know that.

The protests for Daunte Wright happened in many places all over America, and many people were watching them on TV or on their computer. Some people believe that the protests are important because they can help to make a change happen. They want the police and the government to listen to what they have to say, and they hope that what happened to Daunte Wright will not happen again.

In summary, people are protesting because they are sad and angry that Daunte Wright was killed by a police officer, and they want things to change so that this does not happen again in the future.