ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

David Burt (filtering advocate)

David Burt is someone who believes that we should filter the information we receive. Just like how we filter water to remove any impurities, he thinks we should remove anything that could be harmful, untrue or offensive from what we see or hear.

So, imagine you have a glass of muddy water. If we don’t filter it, we might drink the water and get sick. But if we pour the water through a filter, the filter will catch all the mud and other junk in the water and we will have clean water to drink.

David Burt thinks we should do the same thing with the things we see or hear. If we don’t filter the information, we might believe things that are harmful, untrue or offensive. But if we filter it, we can remove all the bad stuff and only see or hear things that are good for us.

To filter information, we might use things like a parental control on the computer, or choose which TV shows we watch. It’s important to remember that not everything on the internet or TV is true or good for us, so filtering can help us stay safe and happy.