ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

David Scott Mitchell

David Scott Mitchell was a man who lived a very long time ago in Australia. He was very interested in old and rare books which means books that are very, very old or very, very rare.

David loved books so much that he started collecting them from all over the world. He collected so many books that he needed a special place to keep them all safe. So, he built a big library in his own house, and it was one of the biggest libraries in the whole country!

David wanted other people to be able to see and read his amazing collection of books, so he made his library open to the public. People from all over the world came to see David's library and all the rare books inside.

Even after David passed away, his library still exists and is still open for people to see. It's a very special place and people still visit it today to learn about the history and stories behind the old books David collected.