ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Davisson–Germer experiment

The Davisson-Germer experiment is a really cool experiment where scientists discovered a wave-like behavior of electrons.

Remember when you play with a ball and you bounce it off the ground, it bounces back up in a certain direction? That’s kind of like what happens in the experiment, but instead of a ball, scientists use electrons, which are tiny particles that make up atoms.

They set up this fancy machine with a tiny piece of metal called a crystal, and a beam of electrons was sent towards it. When the electrons hit the crystal, they bounced off and scattered in all different directions.

But, here’s where things got interesting - they noticed that some of the electrons only bounced off in certain directions, kind of like how a ball bounces off the ground in the same direction every time. This means that the electrons were behaving like waves, with certain patterns and wavelengths just like ocean waves.

This discovery was really important because it helped us understand that electrons have both particle-like and wave-like properties. This helped us understand more about the building blocks of matter and the nature of the universe. Pretty cool, huh?