De re aedificatoria is a very fancy-sounding name for a book that was written a long, long time ago, when people built houses and buildings in a different way. Basically, it is a book that tells people how to build things, like houses and churches, so that they will last a long time and be very beautiful.
The person who wrote the book was very smart and knew a lot about building. He wrote down all of his ideas and tips so that anyone who read the book could be just as good at building things as he was. The book was very important because a lot of people back then didn't know how to build things that would last forever and look nice.
So imagine you want to build something, like a sandcastle, but you want it to be the best sandcastle ever. You might look at a book like de re aedificatoria to get ideas and tips on how to build the sandcastle so it won't crumble or fall apart easily, and so it will look really pretty when it's all done.