ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are really old writings that were found in caves next to the Dead Sea. They were written a long time ago by people who lived a long long time ago.

There are different types of writing in these scrolls - some are parts of the Bible, some are stories, and some are letters. The writings are very special because they give us an idea of what life was like for people who lived a long time ago.

The reason these scrolls are important is because before they were found, we only knew about these stories from other writings that were made much later. These older writings show us how the stories were originally told and written down, which is really interesting to people who love to learn about history.

The people who found the scrolls were really excited because they had been hidden away in the caves for thousands of years. It's like finding a really old treasure!