ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Death by sawing

Okay kiddo, so there are some very bad people out there who might chop another person's body with a sharp metal tool called a saw. This is called death by sawing, and it's a very dangerous and painful way to die.

You know how you have bones inside your body? Well, the saw can cut through those bones and create a lot of damage. This can make it hard for the person who is being sawed to breathe, and it can cause a lot of bleeding.

Imagine trying to cut a piece of wood with a saw. You have to push really hard and make lots of back and forth movements. Now imagine that same saw being used on a person's body. It's a horrible thought.

The person being sawed would probably scream and cry because it hurts so much. They might also beg the person using the saw to stop, but unfortunately, some people enjoy hurting others and won't stop even if they're asked to.

Overall, death by sawing is a very scary and horrible thing that should never happen to anyone. It's important to always be safe and avoid situations where you could be hurt by someone else.