ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Death customs

When someone dies, they usually have a special way that they are remembered and celebrated. This is called a death custom. Different people and cultures have different death customs. Some of these customs include:

- Funerals: This is a ceremony when people come together to say goodbye to the person who has died. They often have a special service where they talk about the person's life and share memories. Sometimes they have a religious service or hymns that are sung.

- Burials: This is when a person's body is put in a special place called a cemetery or graveyard. People usually put a stone or plaque on the ground to remember the person by. Some people prefer to be cremated, which means their body is burned and the ashes are kept in a special urn.

- Mourning: This is a time of sadness after someone dies. People may wear special clothing or jewelry to show that they are mourning. Some cultures wear black clothing to show that they are sad.

Overall, death customs are a way for people to remember and celebrate the life of someone who has passed away. They help people to process their grief and come to terms with their loss.