ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Debugging is like trying to fix a puzzle. Imagine you have a puzzle in front of you, but some of the pieces are put in the wrong place. You have to find those wrong pieces and put them in the correct place.

In the same way, when you are creating a program or a website, you might make some mistakes, and something might not work the way it is supposed to. Debugging is finding those mistakes and fixing them so that everything works the way it should.

When you debug, you have to look at small parts of the code and try to figure out what is wrong. This is like looking at individual pieces of the puzzle and trying to find which one is not in the right place. Once you find the mistake, you have to change it, and then check if everything works as it should. Like putting the wrong puzzle piece in the right place.

The process of debugging can take time, and you might have to look at the same piece of code over and over again until you find the mistake. But, like solving a puzzle, once you have found the mistakes and fixed them, everything works well, and you can be proud of yourself for figuring it out.