ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Decentralized trusted timestamping on the blockchain

So imagine you have a bunch of toys, and you want to make a list of all the toys you have and when you got them. But you don't want anyone to be able to change the list or lie about when you got certain toys.

Decentralized trusted timestamping on the blockchain is like a way to make sure that your list is always correct and nobody can mess with it. Instead of using a regular piece of paper, you use a special computer system called a blockchain.

The blockchain is like a big toy box that everyone can see, but nobody can open or take anything out of it. Every time you get a toy, you write down the name of the toy, the date you got it, and some other special information about it. Then you put that information in a special block in the blockchain.

The special thing about the blockchain is that once you put something in it, nobody can change it or take it out. It's like putting your toys in a box with a lock that nobody else has the key to.

Now everyone who can see the blockchain knows that you got that toy on that specific date, and they know that nobody can change that information. It's like having a trusted friend who will always remember when you got your toys and will never lie about it.

And that's decentralized trusted timestamping on the blockchain - a way to make sure that information is always correct and nobody can change it.