ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress

First of all, the Continental Congress was a group of important people who got together a long time ago to talk about big problems. They met in the year 1774, before America was its own country.

The Declaration of the Continental Congress talked about how the people who lived in America were upset with the British government. They felt like the British government was treating them unfairly and not listening to what they wanted.

The Declaration said that the people who lived in America had rights, just like everyone else. These rights included things like the freedom to speak their mind and choose their own leaders. The Declaration also said that the British government needed to respect these rights.

The Resolves of the Continental Congress were a list of things that the people who lived in America wanted the British government to do. These things included things like stopping the British soldiers from taking over their homes and towns, and letting the people in America choose their own leaders.

The Resolves also said that the people who lived in America would stop buying things from the British until they started treating them better. This was called a boycott.

So, to sum it all up, the Declaration of the Continental Congress said that the British government needed to respect the rights of the people who lived in America, and the Resolves were a list of things that the people in America wanted the British to do, including a boycott of British goods until their demands were met.