ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Decree of Muharram

A long, long time ago, there was an important leader named Hussain who believed in standing up for what was right and fair. He had a big challenge to face because some other leaders were doing things that were very mean and unfair to other people. Hussain didn't like this and he wanted to help make things better.

One day, Hussain and his followers were traveling to a special place when they were stopped by some mean leaders and soldiers. The soldiers refused to let them go to the special place and threatened to hurt them. This made Hussain very sad because he just wanted to do good things and help people.

The mean leaders and soldiers were very mean and they attacked Hussain and his followers. This made Hussain very brave because he still stood up for what was right, even though it was very hard. He fought back and sacrificed everything for his beliefs.

Many years later, people remembered Hussain and all that he had done for them. They made a special rule called the Decree of Muharram to remember Hussain and learn from his bravery and kindness. It reminds everyone to always stand up for what is right and fair, even when it is very hard.