Deer horn is a part of a deer's body that grows on the top of its head. It's made of bone and is covered by a layer of skin, which the deer sheds each year. So, every year, a deer grows a new set of horns.
Deer grow horns for several reasons. One reason is for defense against other animals. Deer use their horns to protect themselves from predators like wolves or coyotes. Another reason is for mating. Male deer use their horns to compete with other males for female deer. The male deer with the biggest horns is often the one that gets to mate with the female deer.
Deer horn can also be used by people for different things. For example, some people use deer antlers to make decorations or to make tools, like knives. Some people also use deer antlers as a medicine in traditional medicine practices.
Overall, deer horn is a part of a deer's body that helps it defend itself and find a mate. People can also use deer horn for different things.